Find below some of the major publications concerning The Salamanca Corpus and its linguistic applications


Sánchez-García, Pilar and Javier Ruano-García. "Some challenges behing the compilation of the Salamanca Corpus: The Wiltshire dialect as a case study." Nexus: 53-66.

Ruano-García, Javier."On the enregisterment of the Lancashire dialect in Late Modern English: Spelling in focus". Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 6.1

Ruano-García, Javier."Shaping the other in the standardization of English: The case of the 'northern' dialect". International Journal of English Studies 20.1

Ruano-García, Javier.“He towd her soe monny a mad farrant Tele: On flotsam, respellings and the enregisterment of l-vocalisation and /a/+nasal in the Late Modern Lancashire dialect”. Altre Modernità 23: 16-34


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. "Sources for the Lexical Study of  the Southern Dialects 1500-1900." Nexus: 57-68.


Ruano-García, Javier, Pilar Sánchez-García and María F. García-Bermejo Giner. 2015. “Northern English historical lexis and spelling”. Researching Northern English. Raymond Hickey. ed. Amsterdam, Philadephia: John Benjamins (Varieties of English around the World):131-160.

Yáñez-Bouza, Nuria & David Denison. "Which comes first in the double object construction?" English Language and Linguistics 19: 249-68.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. 2013. “The Southern Dialect in Thomas Churchyard's The Contention betwixte Churchyearde and Camell (1552).” Hans Sauer and Gaby Waxenberger. eds. Recording English, Researching English, Transforming English. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang: 219-236.

Ruano-García, Javier, María F. García-Bermejo Giner, and Pilar Sánchez-García. 2013. “Past tense BE forms in Late Modern Lancashire English: A preliminary corpus-based approach.” Martin Durrell et al. eds. New Methods in Historical Corpus Linguistics. Tübingen: Narr Verlag (Corpus linguistics and Interdisciplinary perspectives on language 3):181-194.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “The Online Salamanca Corpus of English Dialect Texts.”Creation and Use of Historical English Corpora in Spain. Nila Vázquez-González. ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 67-74.

Ruano-García, Javier. “Late Modern Lancashire English in lexicographical context: Representations of Lancashire speech and the English Dialect Dictionary”. English Today(Special issue on lexical variation edited by Joan C. Beal) 28.4: 60-68.

Ruano-García, Javier. “On the enregisterment of the northern dialect in Early Modern English: an evaluation across literary text types.” In At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain, Sara Martín Alegre, Melissa Moyer, Elisabet Pladevall & Susagna Tubau .eds. Depto. de Filología Anglesa i de Germanística: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona/AEDEAN: 376-383.

Ruano-García, Javier. “Th'Monn, twoman and t felly: On the definite article in traditional Lancashire English.” Creation and Use of Historical English Corpora in Spain. Nila Vázquez-González. ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Sánchez-García, Pilar. “Depicting Northern English dialects through spelling: A study based on the Salamanca Corpus.” Creation and Use of Historical English Corpora in Spain. Nila Vázquez-González. ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing


Ruano-García, Javier. “The world has got some hint of her country speech: On the enregisterment of the northern dialect.” Marisa Carrió Pastor and Miguel Ángel Candela Mora. eds. Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones: Presente y Futuro en el Análisis de Corpus. València: Universitat Politècnica de València. 587-595.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Towards a history of English literary dialects and dialect literature in the 18th and 19th centuries: the Salamanca Corpus.” Proceedings of  Methods XIII. Barry Heselwood and Clive Upton. eds. Bamberger Beiträull Šge zur Englischen Sprach-wissenschaften Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 31-4.

García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Sources for the study of English Dialect Literature and the Literary Use of Dialect” Proceedings of the 33rd AEDEAN Conference. Rafael Galán et al. eds. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz. 279-292.


Ruano-García, Javier. Early Modern Northern English Lexis. A Literary Corpus-Based Approach. Linguistics Insights 105. Bern, etc.: Peter Lang.

Ruano-García, Javier. “I'll tell o how Gilbert Scott sowd is mere Berry: 'A Lancashire Tale' as a source for Lancashire speech in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century.” Papers from Methods XIII. Barry Heselwood and Clive Upton. eds. Bamberger Beiträge zur Englischen Sprachwissenschaften. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 53-66.

Ruano-García, Javier. “Looking at suffixation in Early Modern northern English: A preliminary approach in the light of the Salamanca Corpus.”ull Ó A Mosaic of Corpus Linguistics: Selected Approaches. Moisés Almela and Aquilino Sánchez. eds. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaften und interkulturellen Kommunikation 66. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 213-236.

Ruano-García, Javier. “The treatment of Early Modern northern words in the Oxford English Dictionary: An evaluation in the light of the Salamanca Corpus.” Proceedings of the 33rd AEDEAN Conference. Rafael Galán et al. eds. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz. 279-292.

Ruano-García, Javier. “Lancashire English in diachronic perspective: evidence from the Salamanca Corpus.” Language Windowing through Corpora. Isabel Moskowich et al. eds. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. 771-787.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Early Sixteen Century Evidence for [ia] < OE a: in the North?”. Multidisciplinary Studies in Language and Literature: English, American and Canadian. María F. García-Bermejo Giner, Pilar Sánchez-García, et al. eds. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. 59-65.

Ruano-García, Javier. “Hing th' reckans up o'th rannel-bawke: regional dialect words in late seventeenth-century North-East Yorkshire.” “So long lives this and this gives life to thee”. Homenagen a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. Alcinha Pinheiro do Sousa et al. eds. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa. 253-273.

Ruano-García, Javier. “Aproximación al vocalismo tónico del dialecto de Lancashire a la luz de su representación ortográfica en la literatura inglesa del siglo XVII.” Interlingüística 18: 969-979.


Ruano-García, Javier. “North-East Yorkshire speech in the late seventeenth century: a phonological and orthographical evaluation of an anonymous printed broadside.” Sederi 18: 97-119.

Ruano-García, Javier. “The fellows mad, I neither understand his words, nor his Sence: On dialect lexis in three literary renderings of seventeenth-century Lancashire speech.”Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference. María Jesúull œs Lorenzo Modia. ed. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. 405-416.

Sánchez-García, Pilar. “Acercamiento al tratamiento de los sonidos en literatura a través de la obra de J.B. Priestley, The Good Companions.” Multidisciplinary Studies in Language and Literature: English, American and Canadian. María F. García-Bermejo Giner, Pilar Sánchez-García, et al. eds. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. 13-24.


Ruano-García, Javier. “Thou'rt a strange Fillee: A possible source for 'y-tensing' in seventeenth-century Lancashire dialect?” Sederi 17: 109-127.


Sánchez-García, Pilar. Acervo y Tradición en la Grafía del Dialecto Literario en la Novela Inglesa Norteña del Siglo XIX. Colección Vítor 114. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Regional dialects in Sixteenth-century Jest-Books” Sederi 12: 209-218.       



García-Bermejo Giner, María F. and Michael Montgomery. “Yorkshire English Two Hundred Years Ago” Journal of English Linguistics 29.4: 346-362.

Sánchez-García, Pilar. “Aspectos gráficos del dialecto en The Shadow of a Crime, de Hall Caine.” Interlingüística 11: 358-362.



García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Methods for the Linguistic Analysis of Early Modern English Literary Dialects.” Pilar Alonso et al. eds. Teaching and Research in English Language and Linguistics. León: Celarayn: 257-274.

García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “The Northern/Scottish dialect in Nathaniel Woodes's A Conflict of Conscience (1581)” Sederi 9: 9-21.

Sánchez-García, Pilar. “Spelling as an image of linguistic variety.” Pilar Alonso et al. eds.Teaching and Research in English Language and Linguistics. León: Celarayn. 267-282.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. and Michael Montgomery. “Regional British English in the Nineteenth Century: The Evidence from Emigrant Letters.” Alan R. Thomas. ed. Issues and Methods in Dialectology.  Bangor: Department of English Linguistics, University of Wales Bangor: 167-183.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Some Northern Dialect Features in Deloney's Thomas of ReadingSederi 8: 5-18.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Sources for the Linguistic Analysis of Some Nineteenth-Century West-Midland Dialects”. Wolfgang Viereck ed. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Dialektologenkongresses Bamberg 1990. vol. 3. Regionalsprachliche Variation, Umgangs- und Standardsprachen. Zeitschrift für Dialektologie un Linguistik. Beihefte 76. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner: 232-45.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Morphosyntactical Variation in Nineteenth-Century Derbyshire” Actas XV Congreso AEDEAN. Logroño: Colegio Universitario de la Rioja: 305-18.


García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Personal Pronouns in Derbyshire as Reflected in Sheridan Le Fanu's Uncle Silas (1864)”. Santiago González y Fernández-Corugedo et al. eds. Studia  Patriciae Shaw Oblata vol. III. Oviedo: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo: 225-39.

García-Bermejo Giner, María F. “Phonetic Key to the Non-Standard Orthography in the Novels of George Eliot”. The George Eliot Fellowship Review 22: 50-55.

García-Bermejo Giner, María F. El dialecto en las primeras novelas de George Eliot: Grafía y Vocalismo. Acta Salmanticensia 242. Salamanca: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Salamanca.


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